Misericordes Sicut Pater

Happy Easter!  Yes, it still is … for 50 days until Pentecost which is May 15, which happens to be my birthday.  Haven’t written in ages, but figure I’d better just get going with it when I have something on my mind.  We sang the hymn for the Holy Year of Mercy today in church as we always do, and it always sends me into a meditative state, guaranteed.  Wish I could include a recording of it for you but perhaps it’s on the internet somewhere? It’s all about mercy.

Mercy involves forgiving, not forgetting, and including others in our love of the world and the divine presence in all of us.  Reading a book about Venice, The City of Falling Angels by John Berendt (the same author as Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil) and the range of colorful characters is on par with that book … all struggling with how to save themselves and Venice from perceived ruin.  Society figures and lowly alike are crying out for attention and fighting against loneliness in their own expressive ways.  It all boils down to acceptance of self and others as they are.  A good read.

Have a wonderful Spring and a blessed Easter, if you celebrate, and remember the translation of “Misericordes” hymn.  “Merciful, just as the Father is, His mercy endures forever.”






About kimbroughm

I am a wife, mother, philologist and avid reader who is spiritually minded. My love of language runs deep, as one of my ancestors compiled the Sanskrit/English dictionary still in use today.
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